Monday, April 3, 2017

Field Trip to SMU and the President George W. Bush Museum and Library

Click here to the assignment on Mrs. Kallas's wiki.

On Thursday, March 30 my Education and Training class visited SMU and Bush Library. We started out in the tech labs for the Department of Teaching and Learning (click here). To me, the most interesting part was learning about the different augmented reality apps, and how there were so many different apps that you could use. Seeing how easy it was to bring something technologically advanced into even a Kindergarten classroom was fascinating.

After we finished at SMU, we went over to the President George W. Bush Museum and Library (click here).  We got to see a model of the oval office and were able to sit at the president's desk. The office had a lot of natural light and places for other people to sit. Here's a picture of Makaylia, Brooklyn, and I at the desk.

My favorite part of the museum was the letters written by children from other countries to the president after 9/11. Seeing how other countries were viewing the situation was very interesting. It showed so much compassion for another country and really warmed my heart.

Book Study: Working the Crowd and Room Arrangement (Chapters 1-4)

For a link to the prompt click here.

Chapter One:
"... teacher quality is the single most important in-school factor influencing student learning and achievement."  Do you agree or disagree with this statement.  Support your answer with statistics, research, or personal experiences and observations (must give specific examples for experiences and observations).

-I do agree with this statement. If someone has a teacher that doesn't have the passion for teaching, then the students won't learn. I have had teachers who were amazing, cared about teaching, and I did very well in my class. Then I had teachers who didn't care about teaching, and I did poorly in their class.

Chapter Two:
According to Jones, what is the best way (3 steps) to give corrective feedback to a student who is stuck?  Give an example of how you can do this with a student in your field site classroom.  Write the dialogue of what you would say.

-The best way to give corrective feedback is: Praise, Prompt, and Leave. In my classroom this would look like:

Me: Good job! These first two problems were done exactly the way they were supposed to be! On the third problem, instead of doing "x" what should you do?
Then let the student correct the problem themselves.

Chapter Three:
Look at the room arrangement in your field site classroom.  What obstacle or obstacles prevent you from "working the crowd?"  Describe how they hinder the teacher. 

-In my middle school field site classroom, the desks are arranged in rows with the teacher desk at the front of the classroom. This prevents me/the teacher from "working the crowd" because it allows for there to be a large 'green zone', and the teacher cannot be near the majority of the class at all times.

Chapter Four:
According to Jones, where should the teacher's desk go?  Where would you position the teacher desk in your field site classroom?  Why would you select that location?  Give reasons supported in your reading.

-The teacher's desk should go 8ft within the students' desks. I would keep my desk towards the back of the classroom. I would do that because I feel like that way it is easier to see what everyone is doing when your students think that you're not looking.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Absences Add Up

Click here to go to the prompt for this blog on Mrs. Kallas's website.

Absences can severely affect a student's success in school. In past years, I have had a reputation of being absent frequently, and I can say that impacts one's learning and understanding of the material being taught. This year my absences have been minimal, and as a result my grades have been higher and I've had a better understanding of what's going on. I think that some good ways to encourage kids to attend school are to get them involved in after school activities such as a sport, choir, or another team like activity. This would give the students something to look forward to throughout their day and make coming to school a reward instead of a chore. Another way to encourage attendance in the classroom is to give them something to work for. For example if a teacher said "for every 5 days that everyone is in class, we will get an extra recess". This would not only encourage students to come to class, but it would help them peer police each other to show up.

To learn more about how absences affect students' education, and how to prevent them, click here.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Teachers Go Beyond the Call of Duty -- What's Your Calling?

Click here to go the prompt for this blog on Mrs. Kallas's site.

This past Saturday I competed at our TAFE Region XI competition in Crowley, Texas. I had chosen to compete in ELF Test, Breakout Sessions, Portfolio, and Impromptu Lesson this year, and I chose these competitions based on what I had seen other people compete in last year. Looking back I wouldn't have chosen to do so many competitions because I was fairly overwhelmed and felt that I wasn't doing my best in all of my competitions. Some of the obstacles I encountered were not being able to have time for everyone to get together and rehearse and not knowing doing practice runs with the Impromptu Lesson competition. I did however really enjoy my portfolio competition because I felt very prepared and comfortable presenting it to the judges. My least favorite thing about competition was the stress of not being ready and not going over our Breakout Session. Through this experience I have learned how to work with people that don't posses the same work ethic that I do. I did advance to state in ELF Test, Breakout Sessions, and Portfolio. I am looking forward to going to state because I made such good memories last year, and I want to make new ones this year.

If you are interested in seeing my state qualifying portfolio click here.

Here are some pictures from Region:

Saturday, October 15, 2016

What Would You Do?

For a link to the prompt on Mrs. Kallas's blog click here.

For my response I choose scenario 3.

First I would explain to the sub that it is important for me to keep with the routine in order to help the students progress. If the substitute still requested my absence from the class, I would ask another intern's teacher if I could shadow their rom. Then I would text my EAT teacher to let her know the situation along with my site teacher. I would let them know that I was going to another intern's class in order to shadow another classroom where I would observe in the back or help out the other intern with their normal classroom duties.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

My First Week as an Intern this Year

This year for my field site I am with Mrs. Becraft again, however, she has moved schools, so I'm at W. A. Porter now. I'm still in kindergarten, and when I am in class we are doing morning work, working on our alphabet, and reading. Mrs. Becraft has already let me work one on one with students in the hall with their writing skills, and on Thursday I was evaluating kids for their six weeks grade. I am really excited on starting new lessons and projects in the class and creating bonds with each of my students.

Click here to go to W.A. Porter's website.
Click here to go to Mrs. Becraft's website.

This is me on my first day meeting my new students.

Here is a picture of Mrs. Becraft.